Braemar Bike & Hike

Braemar Bike and Hike

This is a three day Braemar Bike & Hike event exploring remote hills in the southern Cairngorms. It will include the extremely remote Carn an Fhidhleir and An Sgarsoch on day one. Glas Tulaichean and Carn an Righ on day two. Carn Bhac, Beinn Iutharn Mhor and An Socach on day three.

This is a Bike & Hike event so you will need to bring a mountain bike and a helmet with you.

An Sgarsoch & Carn an Fhidhleir

This is a long day in wild country to tackle two very remote Munros. We cycle out from the Linn of Dee on good landrover tracks passing White Bridge on our way to the Red House. This is currently in the process of being converted into a new bothy by the Mountain Bothies Association and is in a truly wild location. Heading past the bothy we continue on a good track that has two fords to cross. Beyond these we head down to the Geldie Burn and leave the bikes. Crossing the Geldie usually requires a paddle so some sandles are a good idea!

Once we are over the Geldie we continue past the ruined Geldie Lodge on a path contouring the hillside. This finishes before we cross the Allt a’Chaorainn after which the going is rougher. We cross boggy ground to reach the north ridge of Carn an Fhidhleir. A steep grassy climb brings us to the summit ridge and easier walking.

A path leads us away from the summit before heading down to the beallach before An Sgarsoch. There is a steady climb through heather and grass to reach the summit of An Sgarsoch. We head east and then north to descend back to Geldie Lodge and a refreshing paddle to reach the bikes. It’s a long ride back to the cars after some well won Munros.

Distance: 40km Ascent: 1050m Time: 9-12hrs

Glas Tulaichean & Carn an Righ

A slightly easier day sees us start at Spittal of Glenshee – though we can pay to park behind the Dalmulzie Hotel and leave the bikes behind. We head past the hotel and into Glen Lochsie to pick up an old railway line. If conditions are very dry we can stay on a landrover track and ford the river twice. Once both routes converge we are walking up an excellent track nearly all the way to the summit of Glas Tulaichean.

Leaving the summit we head down the northeast ridge before cutting across to pick up a stalkers path. This leads us to the beallach beneath Carn an Righ. A path weaves up towards the boulderfields and on to the summit of another wild Munro. Retracing our steps to the beallach we follow the stalkers path around to Lochan nan Eun. We pick up a path descending beside the outflow of the loch and into Gleann Tainteach. The track becomes good after crossing the Allt Elrig. It’s easy walking and then we cut off the track to use a bridge taking us back to the hotel.

Distance: 26km Ascent: 1100m Time: 8-10hrs

Carn Bhac, Beinn Iutharn Mhor & An Socach

We will meet at the car park at the entrance to Glen Ey. An excellent vehicle track heads through the estate buildings and into the Glen. It has one steep climb and proves an easy ride to the ruins of Altanour lodge. Here we leave the bikes and head up a rougher track that leads us up towards Carn Bhac. It’s easy ground and soon a rougher path crosses the boulderfield to the first summit. An easy descent leads to rough peat hags and some pathless walking to reach the steep flanks of Beinn Iutharn Mhor.

The climb is a steep mix of boulders and grass that eventually eases onto a lovely ridge. Following this to the broad summit boulderfield and its expansive views. More boulderfields lead onto easier grassy walking as we make our way around to Lochan nan Eun. This time we head east along the shore and over rough boggy ground. We head for the steeper slopes of An Socach and weave up on bits of path to the bouldery summit. It’s a great view point on a clear day especially down the long Glen Ey.

Our route descends north from the summit along a bouldery ridge before going down a steep heathery slope. This gives way to boggy ground and heather as the gradient eases. We head over to the stream and ford it to gain a boggy path back to the bikes at Altanour. It’s a lovely cycle back to finish off another big rewarding day.

Distance: 34km Ascent: 1200m Time: 9-11hrs


Group size is limited to a maximum of 6 people. To book your place on this walk please read my booking information and complete a booking form using the button below.