Cluanie and Kintail

Cluanie and Kintail

An enjoyable walking event exploring the hills above Kintail & Cluanie. It will focus on the eastern most munros above Loch Cluanie on day one. A relatively easy trio of hills including the graceful Sgurr nan Conbhairean. Day two sees us at the western end of Kintail exploring Beinn Fhada and A’Ghlas-bheinn from Morvich.

Carn Ghluasaid, Sgurr nan Conbhairean & Sail Chaorainn

Sgurr nan Conbhairean

On our first day in Kintail & Cluanie we start at the large car park near Lundie by Loch Cluanie. A section of the old military road leads uphill to a mast and then we strike off on a good stalkers path up Carn Ghluasaid. Its a good path and slowly fades out in the broad bouldery summit. Heading towards the increasingly impressive Sgurr nan Conbhairean we skirt the edge of the cliffs to a minor summit. Then a short descent is followed by a steep climb to the highest point of the day. It is a beautiful viewpoint and good lunch stop on a nice day.

The route follows the north ridge, which descends fairly steeply at times to reach the beallach below. An easy climb takes us out to Sail Chaorainn the third Munro of the day. It is when we turn around to head back to Sgurr nan Conbhairean the the views of this peak come into their own. Before we reach the summit again we can contour around and pick up the west ridge. This is a lovely narrow ridge and leads us to the top of Drochaid an Tuill Easaich. Here we swing south and head down the ridge enjoying great views into Glen Shiel. As the ridge broadens at Meall Breac we turn east to descend into the corrie. Once across the stream we pick up a path that takes us back down to the military road. Then a bit more climbing along this to reach the mast and an easy descent to the car park. 

Distance: 18km Ascent: 1250m Time: 7-9hrs

Beinn Fhada & A’Ghlas-bheinn

Beinn Fhada

We will start at the National Trust for Scotland visitors car park at Morvich fro the Kintail day of our Kintail & Cluanie. Starting along the road before we pick up an excellent path that heads for Gleann Choinneachain. We stay on the path up the glen enjoying some dramatic scenery. After fording a stream high up we come to a path junction. We will head left this time, but will return here later to climb Beinn Fhada. The path heads up into the narrow and rocky Beallach na Sgairne.

Once at the Beallach na Sgairne we take a path up onto the south ridge of A’Ghlas-bheinn. It’s a bumpy and rocky ridge with the path weaving its way up through complex terrain. The views into Glen Affric are wonderful as well as the views of Beinn Fhada behind. After numerous false summits the cairn is reached with lovely views. Then it’s time to retrace our steps back to the Beallach na Sgairne.

We return to the junction and continue up towards Beinn Fhada this time. It’s a great path and weaves its way into Coire an Sgairne before climbing up to the plateau rim. Once through the crags we head up a path towards the plateau, but soon turn off and away from the cliffs. It’s a steady climb to the summit of Beinn Fhada, but the views are fantastic. The cairn is big enough to shelter behind too for some food and drink. A return to the cliffs to rejoin the path before going back down the way we came. There are no shortage of good views and soon the route takes us back to Morvich.

Distance: 20km Ascent: 1750m Time: 8-10hrs


Group size is limited to a maximum of 6 people. To book your place on this walk please read my booking information and complete a booking form using the button below.