Coulin Forest and Slioch

Coulin Forest and Slioch

The Coulin Forest and Slioch trip will explore the mountains to the south of Glen Torridon as well as the outlying Slioch. A mixture of classic Torridon walking on rocky rugged hills with superb geology underfoot.

Sgorr Ruadh & Beinn Liath Mhor

We will approach these mountains from the northern side starting in Glen Torridon. The route passes the brilliantly located Ling Hut that is run by the Scottish Mountaineering Club. After the hut we start to climb up through the Coire a’Cheud Chnoc or Valley of a hundred hills. This is an example of hummocky moraine, which was deposited at the end of the last ice age consisting of numerous ridges and mounds. Following a lovely old path we continue up and over the hillsides to reach the impressive Coire Grannda. This is a wild location and we walk up through it to reach the beallach separating it from Coire Lair to the south.

Coire Grannda

The climb up Sgorr Ruadh picks its way through the Torridon Sandstone and Cambrian Quartzite boulder fields. Once established on the north ridge it’s a spectacular walk to one of the finest mountain summits in the Scottish Highlands. A majestic and airy viewpoint indeed. We return to the beallach and then traverse some rugged rocky terrain to reach the broken quartzite summit slopes of Beinn Liath Mhor our second Munro. From here the route weaves down through a maze of crags and boulders to rejoin our approach path. The views of the northern Torridon mountains provides a wonderful backdrop to the walk back to the car park.

Distance: 16km Ascent: 1200m Time: 7-9hrs


It’s hard not to be blown away by the view of Slioch when seen across Loch Maree. We’ll walk along the shores of Loch Maree to approach the lower slopes before climbing steeply up and into Coire na Sleaghaich. A diagonal line through the crags leads to the upper mountain and more steep climbing to gain the summit plateau. Then a lovely walk past the trig point to reach the northern and highest top. The views are amazingfrom the summit especially into the Fisherfield wilderness. We can then retrace our steps or descend over narrow ridge to Sgurr an Tuill Bhain.

Distance: 19km Ascent: 1100m Time: 7-9hrs

Maol Chean-dearg

A slightly easier day to finish the trip and another fantasic rocky Munro with great views. We’ll head in from the south starting near Coulags follwing the right of way through to Torridon. After we pass the beautiful Coire Fionnairich bothythe route branhes off the main path and climbs beneath the cliffs of Meall nan Ceapairean. Once at the Beallach a’Choire Ghairbh we climb steeply up through the quartzite scree and crags. Beyond this the going eases before a final push through the Torridonian boulderfields to reach the broad summit. A great place to enjoy lunch before returning the same way back down.

Distance: 14km Ascent: 950m Time: 5-7hrs


Group size is limited to a maximum of 6 people. To book your place on this walk please read my booking information and complete a booking form using the button below.